IEM Public School


Following CBSE Curriculum

An initiative of IEM Group, Kolkata

Class III - V

Our teachers, while dealing with classes III-V students. focus to capture each student’s attention and convey ideas effectively to create a lasting impression. Individual care of all the students is taken to ensure that the transition period of every child into adolescence is implemented through innovative ideas that make the classroom experience much more lovable for the students. New subjects and curriculum are introduced by which your child gains extensive knowledge and the required skill to meet challenges in higher classes. Emphasis is given on the three skills- listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

To nurture a child’s mind and to ensure an all-round development of the child, a balance is maintained between academics and co-curricular activities. Year round celebrations on special occasions and events such as-

  • Mother’s day and father’s day - hand crafted cards by the students in their unique way and bestowing love for their parents through their writings.
  • World poetry day and children’s book day-active participation of the children in poem recitation and story book reading help in building their confidence and in developing their thinking capabilities.
  • Glucon c day - ensuring a healthy lifestyle for all the students, glucon c day brings respite for them during summer season.
  • Earth day - students celebrated earth day by making posters on conserving the environment.
  • International yoga day - relaxation through meditation and yoga ensured a sense of spiritualism and importance of a healthy body with a healthy mind.
  • Good manner’s week- classes III-V with dedication enacted a skit which made them aware of their good manners at home, school, public place and while travelling.


Teaching - learning approach and methodology

Through an effective lesson plan approach- the twin objective of learning-teaching is fulfilled. Apart from general principles and pedagogy, classroom instruction is well formulated with both teacher-centered (lecture method, formal expertise, personal model, and instructions) to student-centered (active participation, inquiry based-learning and cooperative learning, kinesthetic learning) approach of learning. 

Peer tutoring technique, as well as live specimens in subjects such as Science, is used. High tech approach to learning utilizes various modes of technology to aid the students in the form of smart classes, computers, whereby audio-visuals are used.

Expeditionary learning through projects and group activities and participation in hands-on experience ensures that the students are able to apply knowledge learned in the classroom to the real world, rather than learning through the virtual world.

Classroom environment

In stimulating creativity, playful games, warm-up activities, incorporation of audio-visuals, through movies, pictures, infographics, mind mapping and brain mapping tools, infusion of real world experiences into the instructions, brainstorming sessions, role play, storyboard teaching not only play an innovative role in the introduction of new concepts and subjects such as english Lab where the students hone confidence-building skill and learn the art of public speaking but also gives the students freedom to explore the world of learning with fun.

The classrooms are well decorated with vibrant charts on the board- maps, theme of month chart, birthday charts, performance chart, language corner, mathematics and science corner and drawings pinned on them which engages a student’s mind in helping them think and learn better.


Formative assessment, as well as a summative assessment, is spaced out amidst two terms (mid-term and final term) and assessment I and II well defined between the two terms and along with worksheets, projects, revision work, and class tests.


English (language and literature), vernaculars, 3rd language, mathematics, science, social studies, computer studies, art, value - education, g.k.

Class III - V

Our teachers, while dealing with classes III-V students. focus to capture each student’s attention and convey ideas effectively to create a lasting impression. Individual care of all the students is taken to ensure that the transition period of every child into adolescence is implemented through innovative ideas that make the classroom experience much more lovable for the students. New subjects and curriculum are introduced by which your child gains extensive knowledge and the required skill to meet challenges in higher classes. Emphasis is given on the three skills- listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

To nurture a child’s mind and to ensure an all-round development of the child, a balance is maintained between academics and co-curricular activities. Year round celebrations on special occasions and events such as-
Teaching - learning approach and methodology

Through an effective lesson plan approach- the twin objective of learning-teaching is fulfilled. Apart from general principles and pedagogy, classroom instruction is well formulated with both teacher-centered (lecture method, formal expertise, personal model, and instructions) to student-centered (active participation, inquiry based-learning and cooperative learning, kinesthetic learning) approach of learning.

Peer tutoring technique, as well as live specimens in subjects such as Science, is used. High tech approach to learning utilizes various modes of technology to aid the students in the form of smart classes, computers, whereby audio-visuals are used.

Expeditionary learning through projects and group activities and participation in hands-on experience ensures that the students are able to apply knowledge learned in the classroom to the real world, rather than learning through the virtual world.

Classroom environment

In stimulating creativity, playful games, warm-up activities, incorporation of audio-visuals, through movies, pictures, infographics, mind mapping and brain mapping tools, infusion of real world experiences into the instructions, brainstorming sessions, role play, storyboard teaching not only play an innovative role in the introduction of new concepts and subjects such as english Lab where the students hone confidence-building skill and learn the art of public speaking but also gives the students freedom to explore the world of learning with fun. The classrooms are well decorated with vibrant charts on the board- maps, theme of month chart, birthday charts, performance chart, language corner, mathematics and science corner and drawings pinned on them which engages a student’s mind in helping them think and learn better.


Formative assessment, as well as a summative assessment, is spaced out amidst two terms (mid-term and final term) and assessment I and II well defined between the two terms and along with worksheets, projects, revision work, and class tests. Subjects English (language and literature), vernaculars, 3rd language, mathematics, science, social studies, computer studies, art, value - education, g.k. ​